Tragedy in the Garden

Dismembered Tomato 5.12.14

I have had a number of losses in the community garden since becoming a member. Notably, when you have a plot of land in the middle of a city it is not surprising to see homeless folk, students, as well as furrier vagrants. Yesterday, I went to the garden and discovered that someone had cut most of the branches off from the four tomato plants I put in last week. The cuts appear to be at an angle which makes me fear that these were done by other  gardeners looking to root a "cutting" of the plant.  It sickens me to think that a fellow gardener would do such a thing.

Dismembered Plants 5.12.14

Plot 5.12.14

Tristan Strawberry Flower 5.12.14

Lettuce transplanted 5.12.14


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